7 Tips to Move Towards Well-Being

by | Mindfulness, Physical Health, Self-care, Therapy

In a fast-paced world filled with endless responsibilities and demands, it is easy to neglect components of life. Over the last few months, I noticed myself feeling “heavy”, irritable and less effective in my life. I began to research and learn more about what it means to live a wellness-focused life. In this blog post, I share the strategies and tips to help live a life centered around well-ness found in my research. 

  1. Nurturing Physical Health:Physical health forms the foundation of our overall well-being. Start by incorporating regular exercise into your routine, whether it’s walking, yoga, or dancing. Choose a majority of nutritious, whole foods that fuel your body and provide essential nutrients. Sleep is also paramount to recharge and rejuvenate. Remember, small changes can lead to significant improvements over time. 
  2. Prioritizing Mental and Emotional Well-being: Caring for our mental and emotional health is equally important. Make time for self-reflection, meditation, or mindfulness practices to cultivate a calm and centered mind. Engage in activities that bring you joy, such as pursuing hobbies, reading, or spending quality time with loved ones. Seek support when needed, and don’t hesitate to consult professionals who can guide you on your journey. 
  3. Practicing Self-Care: Self-care is a vital component of a wellness-focused life. It involves nourishing your mind, body, and soul. Dedicate time to activities that promote relaxation, such as taking soothing baths, listening to music, or indulging in a favorite hobby. Set boundaries and learn to say no to obligations that drain your energy. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish; it’s necessary for your well-being. 
  4. Cultivating Meaningful Connections: Strong social connections have a profound impact on our happiness and overall wellness. Invest time and effort in nurturing healthy relationships with family, friends, and community. Engage in meaningful conversations, practice active listening, and create opportunities for shared experiences. Surround yourself with positive influences that inspire and support your growth. 
  5. Striving for Work-Life Balance: Achieving a healthy work-life balance is crucial for overall well-being. Identify your priorities and set realistic boundaries to avoid burnout. Take breaks, delegate tasks, and create a schedule that allows time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones. Remember that your well-being matters, and finding harmony between work and personal life is key. 
  6. Embracing Continuous Learning: Never stop learning and growing. Engage in activities that expand your knowledge and challenge your intellect. Pursue new interests, take up courses, or delve into books that inspire you. Embracing lifelong learning fosters personal growth, enhances creativity, and provides a sense of fulfillment. 
  7. Creating a Nurturing Environment: Your environment plays a significant role in your well-being. Create a space that reflects your values and promotes tranquility. Declutter your living space, incorporate elements of nature, and surround yourself with meaningful objects. Whether it’s through gardening, enjoying outdoor activities, or bringing nature indoors, connecting with the environment can have a positive impact on your well-being.

 Living a wellness-focused life is a journey that requires conscious choices, self-compassion, and dedication. By nurturing your physical, mental, and emotional health, practicing self-care, cultivating meaningful connections, striving for work-life balance, embracing continuous learning, and creating a nurturing environment, you can embark on a path toward holistic well-being. This seems intense and overwhelming but, remember, it is a journey of ups and downs, and you may need support. In my next blog post I will share more of my learning about the 8 core components of the wellness model. 


Stoewen D. L. (2017). Dimensions of wellness: Change your habits, change your life. The Canadian veterinary journal = La revue veterinaire canadienne, 58(8), 861–862. 

Sutton, J. (2020, August 17). The self-care wheel: Wellness worksheets, activities & PDF. PositivePsychology.com. https://positivepsychology.com/self-care-wheel/ 

Swarbrick, P. J. Y., & Yudof, J. (n.d.). Wellness – Center on Integrated Health Care and self-directed recovery. https://www.center4healthandsdc.org/uploads/7/1/1/4/71142589/wellness_in_8_dimensions_booklet_with_daily_plan.pdf 



  • Laura Kriss

    Each of us wants to live a fully balanced life with physical and mental health, positive, rewarding relationships, opportunities to move towards our goals, and to live in a safe, secure environment. Each of us experiences life in a unique way. My approach to therapy is to provide a space for you to tell your story, find your strengths, and use your resourcefulness to make the change you want to make.